MONO Token
Name: Monoswap Token
Ticker: MONO
Chain: BLAST
Max supply: 1,000,000 MONO
MONO is the Monoswap's native token. It can be exchanged with xMONO using our DApp and can be sold and traded like a normal token.
Buying Pressure
Some of the swap fees will used to buy back and burn MONO token
Users can buy MONO tokens to swap to xMONO to get benefits from our plugins
Selling Pressure
Users can sell this token at any time
Deflationary Mechanism
Buybacks and buy
Redemption burns: Any conversion of xMONO to MONO that is not vested to the full duration of 6 months will have a burn effect.
Any deallocation of xMONO from plugins will have a slight burn rate of 0.5%. Different extras may have different deallocation burn rates.
Last updated